I am desperately looking for the 1998 vintage country meadows blanket to buy. I have been searching for a while and have had no luck on my own. I really need it.
hi....i have one if you are still interested.
Do you still have it? I never got a notification that someone replied to my post so I’m just now seeing this
I can’t tell if that replied directly to you but do you still have it
I have that blanket.
Do you still have it? I sent an email!
Hi!!! Not sure if you ever got your blanket. I found this tonight. Hope this helps you. https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m84532549689/?ref=search_results
Hi I’m also really looking for this blanket so if anyone finds one please please please let me know! I’m looking to replace my original one that currently has to stay in a baggie because it’s in pieces!
Is this still available?