Hi Mark,
That's so sweet you are looking to find your daughters blanket for her college graduation, I so very much wish that I could help!!! Unfortunately I won’t be selling this blanket. It’s my baby blanket that my parents gave to me when I was a newborn 21 years ago, I wore it along with the matching outfit at my baby naming. However, I have hope that you could find this blanket on Poshmark, Mercari, FB market place, eBay, Etsy or most probably on Facebook Gymboree groups. Specifically vintage Gymboree, VG4 and vintage Gymboree ISO. I will also keep my eye out for you! I just scrolled through the vintage Gymboree Facebook group and I don't see it up right now. However I encourage you to post and ISO (in search of) you can use my picture and these women on these groups may possibly have this blanket for you. They're pretty magical at finding peoples blankets. I have found new versions of almost all my baby blankets from Gymboree on there..
It may take some time, but it's a patient the blanket will find you!!
All the best Mark!
I took a look for you on most of the sites and I don't see one available right now. However that's not to say that one of the people in the Facebook groups won't have one they want to sell.